I know how to create an automatic table of contents.

I want to create an automatic table of contents which resembles a 3 column table formatting having three headings, Chapter number, Title and Page No., this is required as per given out college thesis format. I was wondering if you could help me out. Its nice to see you reply to everyone’s questions and doubts. All posts on this blog tagged with ‘TOC’:.Getting rid of odd styles in an auto TOC:.Word 2003: Create an automatic Table of Contents:.Don’t press the spacebar - just delete the number. To remove a style from the TOC, find the style in the list, then delete the number from its TOC Level text box.To add another style to the TOC, find the style in the list, then type 1, 2, or 3 in its TOC Level text box (use 1 for a TOC 1 listing, 2 for a TOC 2 listing, 3 for a TOC 3 listing).You’ll notice that Headings 1, 2, and 3 already have 1, 2, and 3 next to them if you’ve kept the default setting of three levels.Click the Options button to specify other styles to use to create the auto TOC and the hierarchical level appearance they will take, or to remove styles from the TOC.These steps show you how to add or remove a style from the default list of styles used for the automatic TOC. You might have appendices or other elements in your document that you want to include in the TOC, but they use their own heading styles, not the standard ones. You will be asked if you want to replace the existing TOC - click OK to do so.When you have finished changing the appearance of each TOC level, click OK.Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for each of the other TOC levels you want to change.Make the changes to the style, then click OK.TOC 1, TOC 2 etc.), then click Modify to change that style’s font, tab indentation, etc. Click the Modify button to change the ‘look and feel’ of the TOC.Click the Table of Contents button, then click Insert Table of Contents again.Click anywhere in the TOC, then go to the References tab > Table of Contents group again.You can either do this through the Styles pane or from the Table of Contents settings (as I describe below). If you don’t like the fonts used in the TOC, or how the heading levels are indented, you’ll need to modify the styles. Change the settings on the Table of Contents window to suit your style, then click OK.To take advantage of these settings, you’ll need to insert your own TOC. For example, you might want to show one, two or four heading levels, instead of the default three you might not want dots for the tab leader you might not want the page numbers over on the right, etc. You might not like the default TOCs that Word provides, in which case you can create your own using various settings. The safest option is Entire Table - this updates both the page numbers AND adds or removes headings to reflect the current headings used.
No matter which method you use, you’ll be asked if you want to update just the page numbers only or the entire table. Click in the built-in TOC, then click Update Table (this only works for built-in TOCs, not a TOC you create yourself).Go to the References tab > Table of Contents group, then click Update Table.

Click anywhere in the TOC, then press F9.There are several methods you can use to update the TOC - choose the one that best suits the way you work: Select one of Word’s built-in TOCs from the list.Īfter you add more content to the document or shift content around, you’ll need to update the TOC to reflect the revised page numbering and the new or deleted headings.Go to the References tab > Table of Contents group.Click in the empty space you created at the beginning of the document.Step 2: Insert a default Table of Contents Apply Word’s default Heading 1, 2, and 3 styles to the headings.Press Enter a few times to create some space for the TOC.You need to use hierarchical heading styles for your headings and subheadings. To get a hierarchical TOC, make sure you also use hierarchical heading styles for each topic’s main heading, subheading, and sub-subheadings (e.g. You can either use Word’s built-in Heading styles or create your own. It’s very easy to set up an automatic Table of Contents (TOC) in Word 2007 - the only ‘rule’ is that you must use styles for your headings.